This site provides a carefully curated selection of curricular materials for preschool through grade 12.
It is designed to be easy for families, teachers, and private tutors to browse and find the information you need.
Every recommended resource has been carefully reviewed for educational value, ease of use, and limited annoying advertisements.
How to use this directory
Resources are listed by subject, and then domain within each subject. When a link falls neatly between two subjects, I may list that link twice. I also include some sites that only provide a portion of their information and lessons for free. I would never begrudge someone wanting to be paid for their labor or expertise! I've only included such sites when it's either a substantial amount of free content, or the small amount of content is so amazingly good that it's worth using.
You should know that I am something of a luddite, and I believe that children need hands-on learning. The internet is full of educational games, but I've only listed my very favorite. I am a much bigger fan of curricular choices that encourage hands-on learning.
If a link doesn't work, or you don't feel that it's up to the standards of this site, please let me know. I am also happy to take suggestions of even further materials or sites! Please know that I will review them carefully before posting. My contact information is in the upper right corner of each page.

Free resources about Teaching Students with ADHD & Anxiety
Free resources about Teaching Students with Autism
Free resources about Teaching Students with Brain-Based Learning Differences
Free Resources About Teaching Gifted Students
Free resources about Teaching Students with Physical and Chromosomal Differences
Free Resources about Trauma-Informed Teaching
Free resources about Teaching with Cultural & Situational Sensitivity
Free resources about teaching English Language Learners
Free resources about teaching to and about historically marginalized groups