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Free ELA Resources

Many adults in American have a fear of math, which they then pass on to their students. It's a wretched cycle that is so important to break! As you teach math, remember to stay positive!

To study civics is to learn the rights and duties of being a citizen. Unfortunately, civics education is much ignored except in the most cursory of ways in the US educational system, which is to the detriment of us all. This section has free resources to inspire and teach children (and maybe even the adults in their lives!) to be good citizens: of their community, their town or city, their state, or their country. If you are visiting this website from outside the United States, be warned that this is a very US-centric page, because that's all that I've personally taught. Someday I would like to offer more resources for other countries. Click here for free Civics Resources.

All states have standards to teach their state's history, but, more importantly, history begins at home! Encouraging your child to learn about your local history is often a way to make history tangible. Many towns and cities have local historical societies. Check out the National Park Service properties for sites that may be related to local history, too. Click here for free these Resources.

The US is a huge country, with a history that goes back tens of thousands of years! This section offers some free resources to learn more about the history of the land and people who have lived on the land that is now the United States. Click here for free these Resources.

We live in an increasingly interconnected world, and it is very important for children to learn about the events that have shaped world history. This section contains many free resources relating to the history of land other than the United States. Click here for free these Resources.

Culture is everywhere around us: so thick that we don't even recognize it! The religions we follow, the holidays we celebrate, the traditions and values we hold. Younger children love learning about how other people (especially other children) live, and older students need to learn to recognize, understand, and be respectful of cultural differences. Click here for free these Resources.

Geography is the study not only of the physical formations and mapping of the earth, but the way that people interact with it and even change it.  Click here for free these Resources.

Everyone knows that the younger you start a language, the easier it is to learn. So why do most US schools wait until middle or even high school to start learning a second language? This section contains free resources to introduce your child to a number of world languages. Click here for free these Resources.

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